We can only accept images you’ve taken, created or have the right to use.
Please accept our policy which states that you will only upload images that meet the following criteria:
You have the rights to the image
It does not contain any trademarked or copyrighted materials such as logos, images of celebrities, TV Shows, books, songs and sports, teams/mascots to which you do not have the rights
There are no depictions of nudity, abuse of weapons, violence, or other offensive content
There are no depictions of abuse of drugs or alcohol
Please ensure your image has a resolution of at least 1000 x 1000 pixels.
*We reserve the right to reject any image. Kimberly-Clark is not responsible for any infringement or liability associated with the images uploaded.
If your submission is not accepted, you will receive a notification. All of your customized ICON products are made just for you and may not be returned.
I agree with KCP terms of use and privacy policy.